Wednesday, September 3, 2008


How do the city officials resolve the hunt for Montag? What does this tell you about the society? Do we do anything like this today?

When Granger shows Montag what is happening in his portable tv that he has with him, Montag finds that he is "dead." The helicopter pretends to look for Montag even though they already know that Montag has already lost them. The city officials want to quickly end the case and let people know that everything is fine. The camera closes up and points at a random guy on the street to build the suspense. The Mechanical Hound and the helicopter lights "shot down a dozen brillian pillars that built a cage all about the man" and the search is done (148). The society tends to control people's mind with the foolish things they do that the people dont even recognize. The people are basically hypnotized by the government because Mildred would rather betray her husband than to break the law of reading books. I personally don't think we have anything like this today because we are all equal under the law of the five freedoms that we have. However, the only thing that comes up in my mind is the commercials/products/propagandas that are being advertised. The most uneccessary things that we don't need, we all want them after we watch the commercials. The propagandas turn some of us to think that black is white and white is black.

-linh, per 4

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